Great falls, MT (US)
Created 2 years ago
Fertility Treatments


by Pattie Freer

Rated 0 out of 5
  • $4,000.00

    Fundraiser Goal
  • $425.00

    Funds Raised
  • 0

    Days to go
$425.00 raised of $4,000.00 Goal
The campaign is successful.
Great falls, MT (US)

Pattie Freer is organizing this fundraiser.

Campaign Story >

Campaign Story

My name is Pattie. I married my soul mate, Trevor, almost 3 years ago. We grew up together when we were younger. Little did we know that fate would bring us back together several years later. I have struggled with infertility for years. I’ve been to several doctors who are unable to explain my struggle to sustain a pregnancy.  I’ve had several miscarriages, even a ruptured ectopic that almost took my life. Despite the trauma I endured throughout this journey, I want more than anything to be a mom. I met with a specialist recently who informed me that I may need fertility treatments which may include IVF and that we shouldn’t wait due to my age. IVF is expensive and unfortunately my insurance doesn’t cover it. When i got a sonohysterogram recently,  I was told my last tube may be blocked and I have 3 polyps that need to be removed. IVF may be inevitable at this point. Please consider donating to my journey so we can achieve our dream of becoming parents. If you are unable to donate,  please share my story. Thank you.

Name Donation Date
Anonymous $100.00 January 24, 2024
Patty Goodmundson $200.00 September 27, 2023
Kayla Friss $25.00 September 14, 2023
Stephanie Engleman $100.00 September 14, 2023
Anonymous commented with a $100 donation about 1 year ago
May it happen!